I'm back cuddles now can I have some cuddles? ;) lol! Jk unless you know you want to give me some... \^-^/
*Big soft cuddle* Starfire protocol is like hugging a blanket :3
:D! Yay and yes yes it is
Even though I.. I.. I'm homeless, I try my best to keep it clean :3
No! Someone like you can't be homeless! *gives keys to a new house* there you go! :D
I...I can't accept this.. it's your house, you paid for it. :3 :(
I have like 10 houses take 1! I'll just buy another the vanguard pay me a ton it's cool
:3 Still.. I feel bad >.>
Well I feel good for giving you house now take it
Maybe I should go make a warlock and put on this star fire protocol :D
Make one. They're fun to play as