Yea she's in my bed lol jk Nope I have no idea if she is still here or not
Is your bed poofy and soft? :3
and cuddly and warm :3
Anything is better then sleeping on a bunch of old armor and boxes in the tower :(
Anything is better than sleeping on a rock. But titans still do it. Sometimes.
What legends
You could say it's our Destiny. [spoiler]Ba dumb tsh[/spoiler]
How'd you know? Lol
Uhh yes....
*Gives Titan a bottle of beer* drink m8!
*nibbles you instead*
*Goes to house and grabs chips beers and more titans*
*continues to nibble*
*Reaches behind and grabs my Last Word and cleans it for the next crucible match while Titan nibbles me*
*nibbles off leg*
Dude you need stop with nibbling people your gonna just nibble them apart then they can't fight
*nibbles your last word into oblivion*
*it tickles*
Man you just love to nibble don't you... #nibbles4lyfe
*nibbles harder*
Be careful a Titan might nibble you if you make sexual jokes