Dear life,
I'm leaving today on a quest. I don't know how long I will be gone or if I'll make it back alive. If I make it back though, I might not even be the same person. I'm beginning my quest for the elusive Gjallarhorn.
I used to have the mentality that whatever I find is what I find. Along the way I've helped friends raid and nightfall. I was able to handle seeing friends find Gjally. I was happy for them. But something has changed. Maybe it's that every person on my friends list has Gjallarhorn now...maybe it's just that seeing that name pop up so many times not next to my gamertag has drove me to bitterness. Who knows the reason, but all my life I've been taught to respond to my feelings. My response is a relentless attempt to find the weapon for myself. Here's my plan to find Gjally this upcoming week:
*Tuesday 0600 - 3 Nightfalls in a row. If there's a burn this should take no longer than an hour (unless it's Omnigul, then a little more)
*0700 - VoG normal Exotic chest through Atheon. 3 times in a row. Hour and a half max.
*0830 - bathroom, food, stretch, play with puppy
*0900 - VoG hard Exotic chest through Atheon. 3 times in a row. Two hours max.
*1100 - pray to RNGesus, lunch, take puppy for walk
*1200 - CE normal Deathsinger through Crota. 3 times in a row. Hour and a half max.
*1330 - CE hard Crota. 3 times in a row. One hour max unless glitchy then two hours.
*1530 - 5 crucible matches, 5 Vanguard ROC strikes. Two and a half hours max.
*1800 - dinner, tell fiance I'm pulling an all nighter, convince fiance to stay with me, commence item transfer and deletion of one character. One hour max.
*1900 - power level new character to 20. 6 hours max.
*0100 - sleep. 6 hours max.
*0700 - cry, get up, make coffee, 30 min max
*0730 - item transfer 2nd character and delete, power level to 20, 6 hours max.
*1330 - lunch, find dead puppy, tell him to use self revive, item transfer and delete 3rd character, power level to 20. 6 hours max.
*1930 - break for sexy time, sleep like baby angel. 11 hours max.
*0700 - repeat all steps since beginning
BOOM Gjallarhorn.
Did I miss anything here? I will do this for one whole week or until Gjallarhorn is found. Whichever comes first. If I find Gjallarhorn I promise to be responsible and make sure to not allow anyone without it into my raid team. I also promise to brush my teeth and donate to charity.
Stryker Shaka
Edit: 15 replies! I was expecting this thing to end up at the bottom of the trash can beside a million No Land Beyonds. The puppy is a huge hit! I hope he survives the upcoming reset!
Edited by CYCLONEDAVE68: 4/12/2015 5:39:11 PMSo......... can your puppy self revive?