There are, increased happiness, memory, Etc... It's true
There was a game where you had to bend proteins and gamers solved on protein puzzle that baffled scientists for years. Gamers solved it in mere hours or even mere minutes. To them it was just another level
You really ought to do some research on that one before you start telling people that. I did a college paper on it about a year ago, so I don't remember all of it, but I do know there are TONS of studies that prove and suggest that video games not only make kids more intelligent, but they can learn to apply their intelligence in life much easier. There was all sorts of stuff, but that was my focus and thus the only point I remember... Sad face.
O wow ur so smart and knowledgeable
Put your sarcasm away and... Do. The. Research. I took the time, and that makes me, on this topic at least, far more knowledgeable than you.
Omg ur so wiiiiise. This issue is so important and worth "researching" toooo
Wow, you make an incorrect statement and I politely correct you, so you turn into a total douche? How do you learn anything? Oh wait, that's where stupid people must come from... You must be feeling salty after reading a bunch of these stories about you.
You're just giving the little child something more to stir up with by arguing
I worship your terrible power young necromancer!
Edited by ducksToDucks: 4/15/2015 1:04:27 AMI don't really try to learn things on online forums. And I was always a douche.
Good to know at least someone else knows that games increase mental awareness and such Have a internet cookie (::)
Hand I coordination
I see spelling isn't helped
That's one of the few things I don't how to spell that I know the meaning of
How old are you? Or is english not your first language? [spoiler]It's spelled "eye", by the way.[/spoiler]
I was not sure how it was spelled "eye" or "I" but I'm Dyslexic in the reading center of my brain so I usually don't bother looking up words unless it's for school.
I was not sure how it was spelled "eye" or "I" but I'm Dyslexic in the reading center of my brain so I usually don't bother looking up words unless it's for school
there are: better eye sight, tetris is really healthy for the brain, faster reaction time and reflexes, good for stress
Plus it teaches you strategy and problem solving