[i]I have updated this thread to reflect the new changes to Blind Watch[/i]
Dear Bungie & Fellow Guardians,
I wanted to write up a quick post about the problems with Blind Watch. As a quick preamble, I want to say that I enjoy the Crucible a lot, and I think that Destiny overall is fun. However, no game is perfect, and some of the Crucible maps have some imbalance issues. Most of the maps are balanced in Destiny v1.03, but I'm going to be talking about Blind Watch because it is the exception to the rule.
The first problem is the distances between objectives. Measured in meters, Beta and Charlie are closer together than Alpha & Bravo, or Alpha & Charlie. This isn't my opinion, you can check it out for yourself. This means that capturing and holding B & C is advantageous.
This brings us to the second problem: one team spawns at B & C, the other spawns at Alpha. This means that at the start of the round, virtually every game, the "B&C Team" will have a significant advantage from the beginning of the game onwards.
The third problem is that B & C are laughably easy to defend. They both have no appreciable cover, and in the case of Bravo, only two entrances. This makes it very easy for a team to simply capture and hold these objectives. It is very easy to shoot into Bravo, or simply toss grenades at it from a safe position. Assaulting Charlie is generally suicide, and Bravo isn't much better. Considering one team spawns on the Bravo/Charlie side, it's not too difficult for the "B&C Team" to keep them. (After all, they're going to keep respawning on top of those objectives.)
You don't have to take my word for it; feel free to test it out yourselves. In fact, Bungie has no need to test anything. I'm certain that Bungie is collecting a plethora of data on matches, and could easily examine a few variables. How often does the "Alpha Team" win? How often do close matches involve spawn changes? How often do Decisive Victories happen on Blind Watch? How often do players simply quit Blind Watch? I am confident that the answers will tell a lot about the map.
In order for this to be "constructive" criticism, I need to offer some solutions. So here goes:
[b]a)[/b] Force the spawns to switch (at the 10k mark, at a certain time, or even based on player placement)
[b]b)[/b] Move Charlie back to its former position
[b]c)[/b] Move the Bravo heavy ammo spawn outside of the building. Moving it to Charlie might be a good spot.
Really, any one of the above would probably be enough, I think all three might be overkill.
What do you guys think?
Well reasoned and articulated!