* agent badger (wihtout helemt) and Oclot walk in*
*badger takes a deep breath* I am afraid to inform Salazar died in combat defending the Perth Varcoe.
*ocelt takes otu a letter*
Everyhting is left to command of Inflotable pants.
Exept for this KAtana, acording to this is the first katana to ever be CRafted on MArs To ninja.
The PMCs will operate under Badger and I.
this is all
*badger leavs a tear whci MAkes a beard grow form the ground*
*looks at the body* *sighs* [i]Salazar... Alejandro... What have you gotten yourself into my friend... I didn't want to fight. I was tired of the wars, the violence against each other, the hate. The fuel of contempt that turned us against one another. I was tired of it all, so I left for a little.[/i] *coughs ash* [i]But... It never changes. War... War never changes. I didn't want you to die, Sal. I didn't care what side you were fighting for... I didn't want you to die. It's times like these where I miss the old days... Now, too many wars, not enough duels. I feel like we've forgotten what this place is for, you know? If... If you're still here, somewhere watching, just know that you'll be remembered. For the past is not what defines us, it is what shapes us. What we do in the present is what shall create our future. Goodbye, Alejandro Salazar. I'm still praying that you come back... Somehow, some way. We fought, we fought together, we fought with each other, and we fought against each other.[/i] *salutes*
*badger* he died a MArs hero death, takign as mcuh as eh coulf. dont worry hes with his wife now.
Damn... When did it come to this? *waves hand* *Dragon Tattoo on his arm glows, as if it was made of pure fire* *my hand turns into smoke for a moment, memory images of him flashing through* *hand turns back to normal* You will be remembered, Alejandro Salazar. Of that, you can be assured of.
*badger* well we gotta go back to MArs for the funeral*
He's dead? The spartan killer is dead!
*badger rages pucnhign your face breaking the Jaw and thewing you to the ground* LEarn respect. or next time i wont simply tocuh your face (yes badger is that strong)* *ocelot* we will Bury him besides his Wife* thats waht he would wish
He had killed, many spartans in the past.
ever ehard the story of why? Venus, Statred requesting the Plotical loyaltiy of MArs. AS they refused they decided to Invide, As Venus began lossing, they went cryign to the UNSC claimign the MArs begun. the UNSC joined the invacion. Salazar. was performing obligatory miltiary service, he then joined the army fully, int he NOa 7 chemcial squad, CQC especialist. He had married his Officer. she died 2 years later by a UNSC sniepr. He enraged and went insane.Killed 10 spartan before getting himself catured. the UNSC interrogator inejcted him with liquid nova 6 he went complitely mad and killed everyone. 80 spartans to be rpecise. We had to palce a PAin inhibtor in him so he woudl be all the day crying and scremaing. He is Named the walkign pain, cause thats what he used to be. Learn before criticising