People of the dojo, i am taking a break for a while i will probably return though i do not know. My character will keep all his stuff and cant be looted.
Gooxbye dojo.
Also as for the reason why im leaving its because ive become to [u][i]violent[/i][/u] i am going to take a break and when im back if im back ill hopefully restore the characters original personality.
*sighs* Another one leaves. Well at least now I can cut down your trees.
*A voice enters your head* Cut down my trees and you will feel pain..... I cursed them all. [spoiler]also um still going to be readimg stuff till tomorrow so i can look at everything that is happening.[/spoiler]
I don't which I should be more worried about. The voice or that I already cut down a tree. [spoiler]k[/spoiler]
The tree...... * you feel something botherimg you then you feel pain equivilent to having a dragon tear off your torso while your being devoured by those ants from indiana jones*
*screams* Why do I always have to cut down trees!?![spoiler]i will take care of your dragons[/spoiler]
[spoiler]ok[/spoiler] *the voice laughs*
*yells* STOP LAUGHING! *rolls around in grass hitting my head*
*stops the pain* That was level 1 cut down another tree and you feel level 20.
K. *cuts another tree* Oh wait.
*you feel the pain of being devkured by the same ants and baving your balls and penis being sawed off all while you also feel like your being roasted alive by dragonfire* *you hear laughs that sounds like me laughing*
*screams like a girl and falls to the ground*
* the pain continues*
*screams intensify*
*pain intensify*
*screams intensity*
*tge pain stops* Have you learned your lesson?
Never! *digs up [b]somebody elses[/b] seed and smashes it*
Still a tree..... *pain returns 10fold*
*pain intensifies*
[spoiler]hidden bump[/spoiler]
Goodbye, Sithis. Looks like we are not so unlike after all...