Yukiteru Amano, a junior high student, he has trouble making friends. He views himself as a spectator from the sidelines and often writes down what he sees in his cell phone diary. Tormented by his solitude, yukiteru interacts with his imaginary friends Deus Ex Machina, the God of time and space, and muru muru, Deus' servant. One day Deus grants yukiteru's cell phone the ability to see the future up to 90 days. Yukiteru is then forced in a battle royale with eleven other future diary users. The last one standing will become a god.
Very interesting! Thx ^-^
Be careful tho, I ended up watching the whole series in one day o_O
Lol I'll take note of that
lol yeah, hope you enjoy it if you decide to watch it :)
I think i am. Thank you
Yeah no problem. Do you suggest any for me lol
Lol yeah, death note and deadman wonderland
I've been watching death note but can't make myself watch it anymore, I only have like 3 more episodes left. After L dies it gets really boring
Yeah, just finish it It gets better [spoiler]jk[/spoiler]
Oh great.. Im just trying to finish it so I can move onto the next anime :/ Have you seen any of attack of the Titans, I've been thinking about watching that next
Yeah, just started and am on the 5th episode. I like it so far
Well I think we've figured out what I'll watch next then :) attack on Titan it is
I already saw deadman wonderland. I liked it.
What was it about?
A kid and his battle with coping with tragedy. I really cant say much without ruining it. But its good.
Ok lol, I'll look into it. Thanks :)