*Random Titan appears*:I brought soda.*
Hunter in the center* :what brand of soda?
Random Titan:Why havoc.
Random Hunter: I'm not familiar with it;can you show me the bottle?
Random Titan: I can't
Random Hunter: why not?
Random Titan: Because you can't contain a Fist of Havoc!
* precedes to hulk smash everyone in the room*
Kid you're lvl 30 gtfo
Edited by GundamWing14: 4/14/2015 6:14:39 PMThis game is causal as hell. Play a proper mmo like Runescape, scrub. Edit: on all your characters , you have a less than 1.50 k/d excluding that 40 kill 2.50 k/d in skirmish.
You argue this game is casual then complain about my kd. Ok level 30 go play runescape
Lol trash talkin just bc of a level? XD How mature of you sir. Please GTFO and have a nice day ;P
Better than trash talking about kd
Still irrelevant. Lvl doesn't entirely mean everything.
In destiny, it pretty much does
Not really...you could suck as a lvl 32 and always get carried. You could be below avg, good, or great. The same goes for any other multiplayer game. Just bc there's a certain level does not necessarily mean you are good. CoD...you could be 8th prestige and completely suck ass. Some are naturally good at multiplayer while others are not. And before you analyze...you can grind IB day in and out for that end gear of light lvl 32 and become 32. I know a decent number of people who are lvl 32 and absolutely suck at crucible but are insanely good at PvE, and vice versa. I have met the chance of seeing both horrible at PvP and PvE and lvl 32 all at the same time. Some are even friends. Telling people they suck won't help a damned thing, only by helping them and making them better will you start to have more fun.
Isaiah 40:28-31
So what you're saying is that those who put forth effort and belief in the game will succeed? :P Bro...it's an unspoken rule, don't bring any religion, even quotes into forums, it is not a safe idea. Just trying to protect you and/or warn you.
No I'm saying you had an unnecessarily large response