Lmao hunger is definitely not ghorns little brother. One way ticket is the poor ghorn and truth is the smaller version. Hunger sucks ass
Chumps. The Gjallahorn has no little brother because it ate all its siblings while they were still in the womb. Typical noob replies.
Lmao no smoggy Pluto shot them all with his ghorn
Well, HoC does have tracking and cluster bombs, just like Gjallarhorn. It also has similar stats. One Way Ticket doesn't have tracking.
Typical noob reply. One Way Ticket 000 can roll tracking.
Only if RNGesus like you...
Mine does. And mine are the exact same stats as ghorn minus either stability or reload. Whichever I pick. And truth has the best stats overall but doesn't have the dps ghorn has which is why that is the little brother to it and one way ticket is the poor mans ghorn lol
Damn man, you got lucky.