Request:If you guys see a titan called "A Titan"...slaughter him
But I love A Titan..
Marry him,love him,kill him I'll make up for it somehow
Good boy/girl What gender are you?
Edited by Hawx: 4/14/2015 10:07:28 PMOk:Thanks for your help,Trinity! How should I make up for it?
I don't know. Surprise me..
That's a bad idea:I dunno what females like. Just tell me I'm bad at making descisions anyways.BUT first:BRING ME THE HEAD OF THIS HERETIC
Not A Titan he's my bro
He raided the thread, had to get it rebuilt. They took all the beer...
Well not what you think he is
Hawx! Play nice!
If you say so
*walks up to "a titan" i nod my head and says "you're alright titan" and hands you a cold one than I hold my beer high and shout "Only hunters and cool titans aloud hobos in bathrobes may enter!"
Lol thx
I stole your loincloth.
I'm sorry for helping a hunter pissed me off
He was cptbluntman