This. Is it. We are finished.
There is too much chaos. I cannot handle everything. This place has been a time bomb from the start, just waiting to break apart. And in one last bid to control everything, we merely activated the catalyst. We are too broken (oh the irony) to continue on like this.
But I ask one thing. One simple thing of all who have set foot here. Remember it as it was, not as what it became.
[spoiler]Yeah, so this place has gone [i]waay[/i] out of control, and I'm not on here nearly enough to control everything. This was a broken system.. And, as you can see, it didn't work. After 50,000+ posts, it has finally come to an end. Don't worry, you'll still see me around the forums, and even in a lot of the other RP threads, just not here[/spoiler]
[spoiler]One more thing:
Thank you. Thank all of you for helping to make this place what it was, for being the largest RP thread on bnet. Hell, maybe even the largest thread in general. Truly, this was a fun ride while it lasted.
Edited by Chinkronomicon: 4/14/2015 9:37:32 PM*opens up shop in Starbucks* No need for introductions, not in the mood for it. I'm sorry, it's just that a lot has been going on. It's Melee Monday people. You know the drill. Daily specials are sold, but custom gear enhancement requests are still taken. Order a drink if you want, we are at my Starbucks after all. So lets get down to business. [spoiler]Negation Slip Blade A small, foot long sword. However, it is enchanted to easily push or parry magic. To greatly increase the speed, it is enhanced with quickdraw, allowing you to pull out and put away this weapon in less than a second, allowing offensive players to use this. As a drawback, it's edge is not powerful, but it will push magic users. To troll, of course. (Customization drawbacks: adding the quickdraw enhancement can only be done to medium or small swords (3 feet blade or less). The magic parry/push can be added to a weapon but will reduce it's damage/cutting edge.) Manufactured by Dinorush.[/spoiler] [spoiler]A Moment of Silence An English bastard sword that is engraved with the names of all those who have fallen in the history of the dojo. The blade will leave a spatial distortion trail from wherever its swung. These trails are miniature zones where time is slowed to an almost complete stop, but will only accommodate what the zone contains. The zone can be put to another setting that will negate the latter effects. After 2 turns (yours and theirs), the zones will build up pressure and detonate in a strangely quiet explosion, damaging all those who are in the radius. Any zones will stay active for about 4 turns maximum. Manufactured by Phoenix.[/spoiler] Also, Dinorush just have me a bunch of these cube things. I have no clue what they are, but holy balls. They taste like ice cream, and they taste like amazing ice cream. Like, the best ice cream I've ever tasted. No understatement. So, grab one of these too while you're at it. EDIT: THE ARMS DEALING IS NOW CLOSED. CEASE TO USE THIS POST TO PURCHASE ITEMS.