Damage doesn't matter much on pvp for rockets....if you hit them they die it's not pve....that's why if you miss with the truth you're not gunna kill them but with ghorn if you miss you still can kill them....scrub
I was talking about pve smart one. The fact is you DONT miss with truth. It's tracking is far superior to ghorns. And you are wrong, Wolfpack rarely kills the enemy if the rocket misses. The missed shot will either be too far away for tge wolfpacks to find the enemy or not all of the Wolfpack will reach the target due to constant moving ( Wolfpack hit other objects). I have experienced being shot by a ghorn in pvp. Wolfpack do not do as much damage as you would expect in pvp. Not nearlyas scary as truth, which you can rarely avoid. "Scrub"
The ignorance here is real. Continue with this troll. Let me know how it goes. Can't even argue with stupid people.
More like you can't argue with people who are right. You were shut down and have no way of proving me wrong. Nice try.
Lol I think most people would say ghorn is better but ok keep rubbing urself to sleep boss
I rarely see anyone say ghorn>truth in pvp. So where are you getting this?
You have no friends to talk to so...
Yea because you totally know this. Is this still a comeback or are you still in second grade?
So very funny
Seem like his name needs to be I'm SALTY not frosty
Hahaha yes.
If him and is ghorn are so good where are all his VoG an CE completions at? My friend GoS volt had like 80 crota completions without needing a ghorn
Lol ikr. He is a bigtime douche from what I can see. Lol.
What console are you on?
Xbox one. What about you?
X-box 360 :'(