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Edited by logikbrooklyn: 4/22/2015 1:58:11 PM

Mass panic over... $15 bucks. Lmfao

2 breakfast sandwiches - $8 bucks Redbull $3.30 Girls coffee $2 Around $4 bucks in gas driving to work. Before 9 am i spent $17.30 by default. This is automatic. By the days end I'll be minimum $35 in. Yet people are complaining they got a bare minimum of 50 hours of entertainment (it will be way more) for $15 bucks? You feel you were OWED a raid? No. I'm sorry to break the news to you, but you aren't OWED anything. In the game, or in life. Take you're imaginary girlfriend to see a movie, two tickets are $25+ all day...for [b]an hour and a half of entertainment[/b] There's a new mode, that every single one of you whining, babbling, cry babies are completely dismissing before you even know what it is. How bout you shut the -blam!- up, man up, grab your balls and stop being such spoiled little self entitled muts to society. [b]EDIT. Alot of comment are pouring in with people saying things like "if I ordered a steak and potatoes, but got no steak I'd be pissed". Of course I would, because I ORDERED that. Video games are not -blam!-ing made a la carte. They are made by companies, pre determined, and we buy them. We don't customize them before purchase.[/b] [b]EDIT 2. Did anyone stop to think maybe bungie is delaying the raid so people don't jump head first into it, and actually get to enjoy all the new, hard worked content first? Just a thought.[/b] [b]EDIT 3 my favorite one of all. This thread generated a ton of response, way more than I expected. What I like is that the vast majority of the responses are level headed people who agree. There is hope.[/b] [b]FINAL EDIT - I see a lot people turning this into my "spending habits are flawed" if I knew what I was doing with money I wouldn't buy the game type of thread. I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but spending habits and budgeting are RELATIVE to what you earn. Video games like any other leisure are an EARNED RIGHT. I'm 31 now, and from 18 to about 26 I didn't even own a gaming console. Growing up when I lived home with mommy and daddy and did, because it didn't matter. Once I got priorities in order,in put games down for almost 8 years. Now at 31, I've set myself up with a years of hard work that I can sit back and enjoy my leisures comfortably. If i gamed as much in my 20's as I've been in the past 3 months I probably would have lost my job eventually. $30 a day on misc items may be a lot to some people, and I respect that, nor do I look down on you for it. I happen to do well for myself, not because of luck or having things handed to me...but because I busted my ass and made tons of sacrafices. So no, my 20 to 30 bucks daily wasn't the point of this thread. The point was if you had any respect for work, man hours, and a dollar, you'd understand that 15-20 bucks for the content that you're getting is WELL WORTH IT. Don't give "bungie promised me" bs either. Don't be mad at bungie for believing an unofficial leak.[/b]

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  • If you ain't got the money take your broke ass Outside to find a job Work for a week Get paid Buy the dlc

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  • You are very right. Although I somewhat disagree with your assessment of other people's views of the DLCs, I willingly admit the amount of value received from $15 was excellent. But I would argue that the "cry babies" you refer to (I am probably one of them) don't look at it like you think they do. I for one do feel like I've gotten my money's worth in entertainment, but that is not my issue. And since the product is not marketed to me to pay for it's full value myself (which would be impossible since it cost many millions to make) and is instead sold to many millions of people, that is not a good way to look at it. That game should be viewed from a more intellectual property standpoint (content=money) rather than physical goods (money=enjoyment). My issue is with what has seemed to me and many others to be the general lack of intellectual honesty in their marketing. It has disappointed us. They said there would be things in the game that weren't there at release, while announcing DLCs shortly before release. I have no problem with DLCs. I paid for them. But they should have at least said that the DLCs weren't new content, but content locked for future use since they showed much of it as being in the game. That may seem like bs to many people, but I hope it doesn't. The mere fact that so many people have taken issue with something as simple as this, should show it as an issue I would think. It wouldn't affect anyone negatively if Bungie would've said there was content developed and locked as DLCs. But instead they showed much of the content in marketing with no mention of DLCs. Again, we have no issues with DLCs and their cost, but the delivery of content.

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    • 1
      I spent 9 bucks buying 4 bob Marley ice teas from the gas station!!!!!!! What it is kids wanna get all they can for that allowance

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      • Completely agree.

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      • I don't see how people drink red bull, that shit tastes nasty to me.

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        8 Replies
        • Dude the comment about destiny not releasing the raid so people dont jump right into it. Thats so true. So many would skip all these new story missions and still complain about a lack of story.

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        • -blam!-ing Desticle doesn't even know the price of DLC

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            I agree with everything there ^^^

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          • For my playtime it should be 40-60 dollars but not everyone has a disposable income.

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          • This post proves there are mature people on these forums.

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          • We all ordered chef's choice and just assumed it would be steak because it was steak the last time.

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          • I don't really care much either way but, 1. They did advertise a raid coming with both HoW and Crota expansions. I don't have a link but somewhere in the forums there's some copies of ads bungie sent out. 2. The raid for HoW isn't being postponed, it isn't coming out with this expansion. They are working on a raid, which will be with the expansion after HoW. I rather have a raid than some horde mode, but I'm not going to cry about it. Already got the season pass and I will play till I get bored again. Whining about wanting your money back won't make any difference

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            2 Replies
            • Considering the time played, there is probably NO better value ON THE PLANET than the cost of Destiny and the expansion pass.

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            • Logic and levelheadedness have no place on these forums. How dare you! No but seriously, most the crybabies with salty tears can't ever see the big picture and have no idea the amount of care, work, and effort Bungie has already put in, and continues to put in. I bought a PS4 just for this game, and haven't had this much fun in a video game in a long time. $15 is a bargain for countless hours of fun.

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              • It's a self entitlement issue people today think they [b]deserve[b] whatever they [b]want[/b] but that's not the case they don't realize what things are worth and they don't care honestly with the amount of man hours that are put into a playable game or even expansion I don't understand how we pay so little for them a lifetime or even two of man hours were put into destiny and we paid 60 bucks for it another lifetime for an expansion and we pay 20 less time goes into a car you spend tens of thousands of dollars on understand that you are entitled you are lucky to have what bungi gives you for in reality such little money End of rant *steps off soap box*

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              • Yeah people are complaining about destiny but nobody stops to remember that everyone got super pissed when they pushed back the release date so maybe, [i]just maybe,[/i] bungie didn't want to do it again, so the released the unfinished product

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              • Correct, i think your first edit is probably most logical thing ive ever seen on these forums

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              • People pay to get new stuff in battlefield or call of duty and I don't hear much complaints but here dam

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              • It's retards like you that permit the shit business practice that bungie is pushing on. The more you buy their "cheap $15 DLC", the more you're condoning them removing major parts of their game and reselling it back to you. It isn't about the money, for me. It's about not showing bungie that I'm a brainless idiot who is willing to spend money on shit watered down content that should have been in the vanilla game.

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                7 Replies
                • You are having a mid life crisis. Your post is worse than the raid posts

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                • What I find amusing is the relentless post about this games lack of content and Yada Yada yada...yet have any one person look at their game play time and I guarantee you its over 50 hours, he'll probably even 100 or more. I have over 300 hours on my main alone. Anything is going to get repetitive after 100 hours. No game will ever be able to hold people's attention forever.

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                • answer to this problem: Free markets. They will charge what people will pay, complaints or not. Actions are larger than words. Complain all you want, if demand consumes supply, it will be $16 next time. The video game industry is a billion dollar industry and they only, I repeat, only, go off the numbers! if you do not understand this, then maybe go read about elementary business principles.

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                  • Man that redbull everyday is bad for you. Give it up!

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                    • It's retards like you that permit the shit business practice that bungie is pushing on. The more you buy their "cheap $15 DLC", the more you're condoning them removing major parts of their game and reselling it back to you. It isn't about the money, for me. It's about not showing bungie that I'm a brainless idiot who is willing to spend money on shit watered down content that should have been in the vanilla game.

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                    • It's retards like you that permit the shit business practice that bungie is pushing on. The more you buy their "cheap $15 DLC", the more you're condoning them removing major parts of their game and reselling it back to you. It isn't about the money, for me. It's about not showing bungie that I'm a brainless idiot who is willing to spend money on shit watered down content that should have been in the vanilla game.

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                    • Man i have to mow like 8 lawns and take out the garbage for 4 weeks to make enough for the dlc. Then i have to beg my mom to drive me to the store to get the dlc card. Its hard out here to be a pimp.

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