originally posted in:Thorns Amongst Suroses
This one should be easy! Arc burn .... Fate Bringer... GGWP!
Done and Done
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Fatebringer or fang then patience and time and song of ir yut
Edited by AlamoCity: 4/15/2015 5:12:57 PMFatebringer, switch between Longbow Synthesis sniper and the Trolley Problem fusion rifle (to bring down solar shields), Thunderlord
Khostov, and normally a green shotgun. I never use heavy. No point.
Fang of ur yut, patience and time , and valedictorian rocket launcher (with tracking)
Fang of Ir yut, solar ldr5001 for those pesky shanks and wizards, thunderlord. Fun class.
It's Arc burn...why would I run weapons with solar? Fatebringer/Fang of Ir Yut Patience & Time/LDR 5001 ThunderLord/Against All Odds By far one of the easiest Nightfalls.
Fatebringer, black hammer, Gjallahorn
Fate or Fang, LDR5001 ARC (that baby does 16,000 crit damage on the walker) i have PaT but it doesn't compare to the LDR. and I will go with Either Thunder or The Song. Trust me you will destroy baddies.
Ice breaker for ammo then ldr 5001 arc+weapons of light and arc mgo818a
Use patience and time. It destroys him sooooooooo quick. Just make sure to have special ammo syn.
Fatebringer Patience & Time Deviant Gravity (vendor version) All three do huge damage with arc burn
Fatebringer Long Bow Deviant Gravity
Fatebringer, patience in time, song of ir yut.
Fatebringer, Light of the Abyss, Thunderlord
Over souls edict Icebreaker/plan c One way ticket(arc)
Oversoul Edict Plan C Arc Joldier's Hammer
Fang of ir yut, ice breaker/patience and time, song of ir yut. Kill mr. Eyeball before any adds or ships come in.
Fatebringer patience and deviant gravity
LDR was railing the crawler for 16k and Sepiks for 11k.. We got him down before the first teleport twice, and on the second teleport once.
Black hammer, always black hammer.
Fang, LDR, Song
fang, ldr, one way ticket (2 rocket version)
Fatebringer, Y-09 Longbow Synthesis, Thunderlord
Fang, patience and time, radigast fury
Fatebringer or Fang, Found Verdict, Ice Breaker for the Devil Walker, Thunderlord. Don't think I even have an Arc sniper.
I use the fang on two of my characters fate bringer on one