originally posted in:Thorns Amongst Suroses
This one should be easy! Arc burn .... Fate Bringer... GGWP!
Done and Done
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Fang of ir yut LDR 5001 arc / light of the abyss / judgment 6 Thunderlord
Fatebringer, patience and time and random arc rocket launcher. Nice
Edited by SugaComa: 4/15/2015 6:09:29 AMFang, longbow, thubderlord, all arc
Mida (cuz ima scrub) My LDR 5001/Found Verdict and my Song of Ir Yüt
I used VoC, patients and time, and an arc heavy it gets a little hazy as to which after doing it alone 3 times mostly just patience and time
Edited by ShoimiFang: 4/15/2015 5:32:00 AMFang, arc felwinters lie, and thunderlord oh yeah almost forgot the most important one Blade dancer and striker
I use over soul. Ice. Thunderload
Don't have Fatebringer yet. Damn stingy Templar... Patience and Time really does a number on old Sepiks. I haven't got that either by the way, but my two fireteam buddies had him down in record time from downstairs whilst I distracted the mobs with Song of Ir Yût, Fang of Ir Yût and Arc LDR5001.
Any arc weapon I have.
Warlock most likely oversoul edict Efrideet's spear and one way ticket/Thunderlord/deviant gravity Titan most likely Fang of Ir Yut/Oversoul Edict, Efrideet's Spear and one way ticket/Thunderlord Hunter most likely Fatebringer, Efrideet's Spear and one way ticket/Thunderlord/deviant gravity
-Fang -Mumur/BH/Longbow -Thunderlord
Vanquisher, icebreaker, and corrective measures.
No land beyond all the way thru
My squirt gun and paper shield
FANG LDR Thunderlord
Fate bringer, LDR, Deviant Gravity
Oversoul edict, LDR(arc), Thunderlord
Fang, efrideets, thunder lord
Fate bringer, black hammer, gjallarhorn
Fang, ldr, thunderlord
Badger CCL, LDR (arc), One Way ticket(void)
Edited by Absent Father Figure: 4/15/2015 2:55:44 AMOversoul, Patience and Time/ Murmur (arc), Valedictorian (arc)/ Gjallarhorn
Fatebringer, patience and time, and whatever arc legendary lmg i have. Either somg or jolders hammer. Sometimes thunderlord.
Fate bringer ldr (arc) thunder lord striker class
Fatebringer, patience and time, thunderlord
Song of it Yut, longbow somethin(random arc sniper), gjallarhorn