Haha. No.
They didn't
You listened to leaks
They never promised two raids when you bought the season pass
You don't deserve anything
Get over yourself
Maybe give the arena a chance
Might be the best thing that has happened to this game yet
I still need a gjallarhorn.
Your Gjallarhorn missing just showed us what I've been saying all day. The guys who are NEW and just started playing destiny are all acting like this is OK and they're fine with it, all like "WTF is everyone so mad about". Well its your new status and no gjallarhorn that has you blind to the fact they effed us. Those of us playing since release day, playing 3 raids per week for every week since launch, all we play is PVE and raids, and some nightfalls and Occasional Crucible if I finish all my weekly raids early. Bungie just said fuc& you to its largest playerbase, the guys who play pve and raid. And all you newer players who haven't beaten the crap out of VOG and CE already seem like you just can't get why everyone wanted a new raid so bad. Gee maybe you christmas newbs just don't get it, but trust me in 4 months when you are tiring of the raids, and around november december when they drop this lol "raid" then you guys will know what we feel like now. Except when you get tired of raids in 4 months, you will have this raid coming. Those of us who are OG players, we're leaving now and giving bungie the middle finger in return that they are giving us.