It will good if it is like the COD Ghosts survival where you start with naff weapons and get weapon drops and there is a limit to the ever increasing enemies.
I dunno maybe they could chuck in a dog or two (LOL)
If it is like Alien V Predator Original PC Skirmish (i.e. play until you die) then it will be crap.
If it has no matchmaking it is GAME OVER MAN
I agree, there would be no point if they didn't add matchmaking to this. It would be co though to do it with 2 people or even solo it. Just give us options is all i ask for Cheers
Na no matchmaking. I want it to be so you have to work together to survive.
If you have to locate 2 others via the lfg site it'll suck...
Do what I do. made some friends and have a raid team now. Play with them most of the time now.
[quote]Do what I do. made some friends and have a raid team now. Play with them most of the time now.[/quote][url=]link[/url]
Easier said than done on xbox1