Edit: Wow... Over 1000 people have taken time to comment loooool
If you're NOT disappointed there's no new raid
then you clearly don't raid and you would blatantly be pissed off if they didn't release any new crucible maps.
Or you don't play with more than 3 friends !
Or you haven't paid for season pass expecting something that's not being delivered. They've implied what's with every release in many ways.
Edit: most common reply... "I raid, not pissed"
So you're telling me you have loads of friends you regularly play raids with (6 minimum), you've paid for the dlc already, you're not a crucible junkie and you're happy with 3 player PVE??? Yeah f'kin right!!!!
Anyone in my situation is pissed. Just because you are not doesn't mean others shouldn't speak out. I want 6 player PVE content as was implied by the developers.
Edit: there are a lot of bullshi#ers on here.
Implications don't matter. Unless I tell you I'm happy, don't assume I'm happy because I'm implying it.
Let's see, raiding is my most played game mode, I only do crucible when I need bounties done and I am perfectly fine with there being a delayed raid. Not to mention this new game mode coming out looks fun as well
Edited by z51_nik_b: 4/15/2015 3:43:40 AM140 raids (I think), not crucible rank 1 on any character, never even so much as a single crucible commendation, ever. Not entirely upset about no raid. I'm holding out hope that the next raid is better than Crota. I did buy the season pass. Edit: 145 raids. Still not upset there isn't a new one.
What was the point of this?
I'm not pissed that there is no new raid. And I could give two shits about crucible.
They are giving us a new mode instead of a warmly familiar raid. Be happy
I raid every week even though I have everything. I'm just looking forward to find out what bungie is doing with arena
This new mode will hopefully be more difficult then Crota
Edited by AdrenalSpooky: 4/15/2015 3:19:21 AMI am exactly what you said in the update I despise crucible have a plethora of friends I regularly raid with and I enjoy raiding and I don't mind at all Edit: I also have the expansion paid for
I'm still trying to get stuff from the raids already out. Just now starting to get raid armor. Level 32 here I come!
I do more raids then you per week, and I couldn't give less of shit that it doesn't had a raid. In more than happy with a horde mode. It's better for the mass community and not the guys like you who think raiding is the whole game.
I raid every week with all characters and im fine with the dlc Trials of osiris and the prison of elders could be very promising, and after crotas end, i dont mind having a switch up of something to do
...Next on, "White People Problems"
I don't raid, I don't do crucible much, not pissed. The only good I can see in this expansion is the prison of elders.
I raid though.... And I don't like the Crucible all that much. Though I haven't paid for the DLC, so maybe that's it. I usually Raid with randoms, and I have fun about 80% of the time, but we all know we have our reasons for raiding and yet it's still a fun experience. Maybe this is why people shouldn't pre-order and buy season passes. If your money really does count that much, are you willing to pay for content that, in it's own Terms and Services, Bungie ADMITS is "subject to change"? People reap what they sow. If you bought the season pass on the promise you'd be given all this super cool content that would have like 4 new raids and a million things to do, then that's your fault for not reading into specifics, NOT Bungie's.
I love raids and honestly I'd rather they take time and make another VoG than rush it and make another (shitty) Crota's End. Community in a nutshell Community: We want to upgrade old weapons to the new cap Bungie: Okay Community: We want more social experiences Bungie: Okay Community: We want something like firefight (horde mode) Bungie: Okay Community:WTF I DONT WANT THIS SH*T Community: We want a raid that's better than Crota's End Bungie: Okay, but that's gonna take time Community: You need what, mother-blam-er? I'm gonna sue. Everybody look, I'm suing! I have no idea how lawsuits work, but I'll do it anyways! This is a repost. Good day
[quote]Community in a nutshell Community: We want to upgrade old weapons to the new cap Bungie: Okay Community: We want more social experiences Bungie: Okay Community: We want something like firefight (horde mode) Bungie: Okay Community: We want a DLC that has a comprehensible story Bungie: Okay Community: We want a raid that's better than Crota's End Bungie: Okay, but that's gonna take time Community: You need what, mother-blam-er? I'm gonna sue. Everybody look, I'm suing! I have no idea how lawsuits work, but I'll do it anyways! This is a repost. Good day.[/quote]
Community in a nutshell Community: We want to upgrade old weapons to the new cap Bungie: Okay Community: We want more social experiences Bungie: Okay Community: We want something like firefight (horde mode) Bungie: Okay Community: We want a DLC that has a comprehensible story Bungie: Okay Community: We want a raid that's better than Crota's End Bungie: Okay, but that's gonna take time Community: You need what, mother-blam-er? I'm gonna sue. Everybody look, I'm suing! I have no idea how lawsuits work, but I'll do it anyways! This is a repost. Good day.
I don't raid I don't care if they add more crucible maps I have less than 1 friend that I play with I paid for the season pass If you're mad aboot this, wait until the real world hits ya
Edited by JustAnAuzzie: 4/15/2015 3:08:54 AMI'm a PvP dude and yeah it sucks there's no raid but their just delaying it so that hopefully it will be as good as VoG. Whoops was suppose to say PvE
I play raids a lot. Little disappointed that we're not getting a new raid YET. But they are giving us a completely different game mode and you can't judge whether it was worth not getting a raid over. Adding to that point they aren't releasing a raid this expansion to make the next raid a quality raid better than VOG and Croats end.
Really strange, isn't it weird how the raids are always buggy? We are the peopel who rush broken games out. I say let them fix the bugs and make an epic raid.
The only reason I even kept playing the last month or two was because I was looking forward to a new raid. Now with no new raid I will move on to other games. Im Not whining and bitching yelling I quit, just stating that the raid was really the only thing keeping me hanging on.
Yes, I regularly raid with two completely different fire teams. I know every single one of them personally too. Yes, I've paid for the DLC already. I purchased the digital guardian edition way back before September 9th. I wouldn't say I'm a crucible junkie, although I do play it quite a bit. And I'm not upset. Sure, another raid would be awesome, but this new Battle Arena sounds interesting to me because it's new. Is it just a survival mode? Yeah maybe, but it's something new. Same goes for Trials of Osiris, is it just a more competitive crucible? Hopefully, but again it's new content. Yes I love raids and yes I wish the HoW was coming with (at least) one but I'm happy for new content over everything.
Yeah, I do. And no, I'm not. The first two raids were half-broken with so many loopholes and exploits that they were virtually meaningless as cooperative endgame activities. I'm perfectly fine with them offering an alternative endgame while they work on creating a better raid for later release.
I hate crucible with a bloody passion, I raid majority of the time, I'm cool with the delayed raid. You all are flipping shit because they decided to spend the time to make it uncheeseable and as glitch free as they can get it. Stop being so entitled.