Edit: Wow... Over 1000 people have taken time to comment loooool
If you're NOT disappointed there's no new raid
then you clearly don't raid and you would blatantly be pissed off if they didn't release any new crucible maps.
Or you don't play with more than 3 friends !
Or you haven't paid for season pass expecting something that's not being delivered. They've implied what's with every release in many ways.
Edit: most common reply... "I raid, not pissed"
So you're telling me you have loads of friends you regularly play raids with (6 minimum), you've paid for the dlc already, you're not a crucible junkie and you're happy with 3 player PVE??? Yeah f'kin right!!!!
Anyone in my situation is pissed. Just because you are not doesn't mean others shouldn't speak out. I want 6 player PVE content as was implied by the developers.
Edit: there are a lot of bullshi#ers on here.
no raid. yay I get a break from the constant grind
Not true. If every expansion had a raid, wouldnt we start to want a new concept? Be mature and look at HoW in a new light.
I'm expecting they'll release a raid in mid July. I'm not mad, I need a break from the grind. They said they're working on a raid for later this year. They better not be talking about Comet because that is supposed to be expansion not dlc.
I don't care that there is no new raid I'm just as happy for the arena. (Check my completions if you don't think I raided a lot)
Oh you want another shitty, 20 min long, gjallarhorn dependent raid? Cause I sure as -blam!- don't. Let them fix things. Quit being an entitled little bitch.
I think that you are just pissed they are not releasing it before it's done, so that you won't be able to cheese it. GitGud Scrub
I raid. I'm not pissed.
It's ok to be disappointed about it. But to cry about it? Be open to change. 1.) it's refreshing 2.) it's different 3.) it's gonna happen whether you like it or not. If you can't accept it, break your game disc or delete your install. For the rest of us Destiny fans, we will be there May 19th. And for Comet when the next raid comes out. And for Destiny 2 as well..... On Monday afternoon, I requested vacation days for May. If that doesn't go thru, it's *cough cough......
I'm everything in your edit, don't care that much
I raid with randomers every week, for each character ( God knows how many completions)… and honestly it's now getting to the point of, it's destiny once bitten twice shy
Just because some are pissed that there's no raid doesn't mean that those who aren't can't speak out either
If your NOT disappointed there's no new raid........then your probably a normal person.
It's hard to find Raid members. So the new Arena is great for a nightfall solo guy like me. Max Level Cap SOLO, I'M COMING
I wonder how I got every single piece of raid gear without raiding. Weird stuff.
[quote]I paid for 6 player PVE content.[/quote] No... You didn't.
Who df cares? I raid all the time and have over 6 friends to raid with at all times, and I don't mind one -blam!-ing bit. I'm also not a crucible junkie soy can shut up.
-I have more than six friends I play with regularly. -I play PvP cause I ain't a hater on it. -Rank 3 Raids in Grimoire so yeah that's 50+ raids. I NEVER heard bungie themselves imply or say anything about a new raid. Did they lie when they first announced Destiny? Yeah they did. But people like you don't learn your lesson. Stop fracking believing them. Marketing 101: Tell everyone your product is the next best thing. Don't wait util the last minute to be surprised about something. Learn from when they first had their big blunder. You should know by now this game will lack content with whatever it releases. But no, you whine and bitch like everyone else because you think you know better. Just calm down and take a breather.
First off, you sound like an idiot. Secondly, I raid all the time, probably more than you do. I raid with my clan, Northern Guardians, we generally have 5-9 people on every night. We generally run Crota easy 7-8 times, Crota hard 4-6 times and Aetheon hard 3-5 times, every week. We do this to make sure that everyone in the clan gets it done and gets the gear. I have three 32s and not any need to raid anymore, but I do anyhow. I also do not play much crucible, as I pretty much suck at it, if you doubt me just look at my stats. So now that you know that I DO raid, with PLENTY of friends, I will tell you this: 1) I am not upset that there will be no raid, I am instead, excited for new content. 2) You are an A-hole for trying to tell me who I am and what I do/do not like, or am pissed about. That is all.
Pre-ordered day one veteran. I'm not pissed
I play both Crucible and Raids. Raids in moderation>crucible spree>>>>>raid spree Also, those with common sense know that delaying the raid, while annoying, is ultimately better for the raid, as it will be more engaging, fun, and less buggy when it releases later this year than it would've been otherwise.
Community in a nutshell Community: We want to upgrade old weapons to the new cap Bungie: Okay Community: We want more social experiences Bungie: Okay Community: We want something like firefight (horde mode) Bungie: Okay Community: We want a DLC that has a comprehensible story Bungie: Okay Community: We want a raid that's better than Crota's End Bungie: Okay, but that's gonna take time Community: You need what, mother-blam-er? I'm gonna sue. Everybody look, I'm suing! I have no idea how lawsuits work, but I'll do it anyways!
I'm not mad that there is no raid. I'm mad at people when they say "The arena will be better than the raid." Like what? No it won't who gets on Gears of War and is like "Let's play horde mode!" Like no because it has no replayability it's boring. Are you kidding me?
I raid. it's fun. I'm excited about HoW. shut up and get gud scrub
Edited by Young_King_Kush: 4/15/2015 2:23:47 PMI'm in a clan (S/o Hollow Judgement), & I regularly have anywhere 1 to 5 other people in my fireteam. We do raids together, play crucible, & if it's only one or two us we do bounties together. That being sad, I (& my clan mates I've talked to about it) am in no way mad that they scrapped the raid for PoE. It's like people don't realize that Bungie is literally giving us everything we've bitched & moaned for. Vault space? Check. Less shotgunning in Crucible? Check. New PVE mode/Horde Mode? Check. New PVP content? Check. Make outdated gear relevant again? Check. Better/more streamlined story? Check (I hope so anyway) Yeah, there's no raid this time, but I bet money if the next raid is the best one yet all will be forgiven.
[quote]Then you clearly don't raid and you would blatantly be pissed off if they didn't release any new crucible maps. Or you don't play with more than 3 friends ! Or you haven't paid for season pass expecting something that's not being delivered. They've implied what's with every release in many ways. Edit: most common reply... "I raid, not pissed" So you're telling me you have loads of friends you regularly play raids with (6 minimum), you've paid for the dlc already, and you're not a crucible junkie??? Yeah f'kin right!!!! Anyone in this situation is pissed. Just because you are not doesn't mean others shouldn't speak out Just to be clear you do realise there's no 6 player PVE content in the new DLC? I paid for 6 player PVE content.[/quote] I do raid, but you people bitch too much. I have all but fang, word of Crota, and swordbreaker, and the only thing I get pissed about is no patience and time.
I raid, not pissed.