Ugh guns so distasteful
*Teleports onto your back and attempts to stab the gun*
*A lgithing strieks pushing you back* *the sper truns into a chainsaw scythe which i swing at you*
*I jump back and load my cross bow*
*I point it as it Jams* rudimentary yet effective. gotta admit your good taste. *the Machine guns disappears* *while you unjam I charge and grab your face with the left hand whihc starts deliverign electricity directly into your face*
[spoiler]Who says I Unjammed it. Theses are the things you have to look out for[/spoiler] *Throws Crossbow and jumps back before teleporting above him coming down at him with my sword*
*the sword is stoopped by magnetism* *Jumps into the air and grabs you witht he left hand to deliver the electricity*
Teleports to the back of him and stabs at with dagger
*Jet pack appears and pushes you back* *takes off helme* So i asume you already know this............
*a walking lgithbulb gives you a sandwich while a dancing vending mahcine pases by*
*Eats* Sal.. I thought you where dead
Yeah but as a former Cybrog. I ended up as the new God of Machines. if you ask how did the previus ided. well the God of Machiens isnt strong enought to have acces to Inmortality. Basicly the previus God got killed and I am the new one.