[quote]Then you clearly don't raid and you would blatantly be pissed off if they didn't release any new crucible maps. Or you don't play with more than 3 friends ! Or you haven't paid for season pass expecting something that's not being delivered. They've implied what's with every release in many ways.
Edit: most common reply... "I raid, not pissed"
So you're telling me you have loads of friends you regularly play raids with (6 minimum), you've paid for the dlc already, and you're not a crucible junkie??? Yeah f'kin right!!!!
Anyone in this situation is pissed. Just because you are not doesn't mean others shouldn't speak out[/quote]
Well apparently you can't read because it says it will come out later.
Lol another paid dlc no thank u I paid For it I expected with how not to get charged for it later
How do you know it will be another dlc.
Same thing with the dark below u don't see a pattern I just hope I'm wrong
I'm a separate DLC. I've already paid for this one. Twat
How do you know it will be another dlc?