My opinion depends on how prison of elders works. I'm a raider, and am surprised, but not pissed that theres no new raid. The arena could be an interesting addition. I'm also going to be optimistic and hope that when they said release a raid later this year, said raid will be free. However, if I have to pay for it, I probably will.
I'm going to wait to see what we get, and then formulate my own opinion about no raid.
Prodan, is your first name Kevin?
I see you know my brother :-)
I played asherons call with him haha
Awesome, I used to play AC too! Though I quit way back in 2004. I love that its still being played today. I would play sporadically with kev at times, using one of his many accounts haha. Do you play this game lots? On PS4 by chance? I'm always looking for new folks to run stuff with!
I'm one the Xbox1 but that would have been awesome haha. Such a small world finding you haha. I was with Kevin when he started his first guild on ac haha. Too bad we're not on the same platform!
I wish the rest of the hardcore raider community was as sensible and even tempered as you are. So sick of the crybaby posts.