Nope I've got/had every piece of raid gear. Love the raids not mad. Let's clarify this. They did not say there is no raid. They said there is no raid RIGHT NOW. The specifically said they are working on a new raid to be released later this year. I'm guessing an E3 reveal and release late June early august. Or perhaps in September to celebrate the one year anniversary
You're a complete fool. OH MY GOD early June aha ha hahaahha! Bungie says later in the year, you effing bet that means you're paying AGAIN for DLC for this raid, and it means with CERTAINTY that it will be november december of this year. Yeah ok June, keep hoping there bud. I raid every week and if you aren't pi$$ed off you're an a-kissing bungie lover. And i USED to be until this bull$hit
Calm down buddy, it's just a game. And November time frame doesn't make sense. They are going to want to drop a large amount if content to stay relevant against all the big games coming out for the holidays. But they definitely want to show something good at e3. My guess is teaser to "comet" with raid reveal to tide us over. I'll wait as long as I have to for a fun raid that works as its supposed to right out of the gate