[quote][quote]So you're telling me you have loads of friends you regularly play raids with (6 minimum), you've paid for the dlc already, and you're not a crucible junkie??? Yeah f'kin right!!!!
Anyone in this situation is pissed. Just because you are not doesn't mean others shouldn't speak out[/quote][/quote]
And just because people don't feel upset about it doesn't mean they're idiots. I'm not a crucible junkie but I raid every week. Game is still fun and they never said house of wolves was gonna have a raid. We just collectively assumed it
Also yes I have already paid for the dlc. Not worried[/quote]
I also have the dlc and play crucible as little as possible. I run each raid at least 6 times a week with friends and each others characters. It hasn't stopped being fun.
Really glad there isn't a half ass raid. Now when they release the next one it's going to blow our dicks off.
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