The reason why people who raid all the time, paid for the DLC, and arnt crucible juniors are not freaking out is because they know that the raid will come, just not right off the bat. They're going to release it in a later date which gives them time to make it really awesome and fix any glitches that are currently occurring. You don't want another VOG or CE glitch fest do you? You don't want the blandness of CE in HoW do you? No you don't. So just relax and enjoy what's going to come. We don't even know what the Arena will be like, sure there's speculation but that's just speculation. For all we know it could be complete garbage that's a waste of our time or it could be something that'll be super awesome and worth the wait but for now only time will tell.
Just like the eris stories we all had to return to the tower to get the next mission was crucial to the storyline right ?? Its a nice thought, but the money is already in the bank...they DON'T listen to feedback, they have been misleading at the very least, would you not agree ?
Well said!