originally posted in:DoD WestCoast PS3
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Ok for those new to the game or those that have run from banner. Here is a little info for you the weapons you win that have the iron banner emblem on them can be reforged for one more of light if the perks are not what you like when you receive the weapon then spend those notes on reforming it if you have enough you might get just what you want and maybe not. But like the arm our giving you the ability to hit 32 without raid gear the weapons can be customized to a point can't pick exact perks but you can come pretty close to your perfect weapon this way. Hope this helps some of you that are thinking on doing iron banner when it comes back with these to key things learned then it should good iron banner with lot of DOD on hand to help each other out I know I will be in there the whole time it is running no raids no nothing but banner
Thanks for posting Mandellla! Personally, I have 3 IB weapons: Gheleon's Demise (scout), Timur's Lash (hand cannon) and Efrideet's Spear. The first two I was happy as-is. For Efrideet's Spear (sniper) I have specific perks I want to try to get and have re-rolled probably 30-40 times to try to get it. (I'm very picky) In my case, it is something that I am saving my motes for. I can't wait for the next IB just to re-roll perks again until I am happy. BTW, the perks are not the only thing that changes. The element will also change. So, don't need another solar sniper? Re-roll until you get void or arc!