To my knowledge this is the first game that takes ideas from its community, good or bad wanted or unwanted. And we hate them for it... Doesnt make sense. Most devs these days have one or two patches a dlc and then wait for the sequel.. Bungie is doing something far greater.. Destiny still isn't done being developed call this beta 4.3.8 for all intents an purposes. Patience has always been rewarded.... eventually, by bungie and lack of that will deter them from putting honest effort into the game. Most devs don't even check their own forums never mind a DeeJ who we seem to think should be at our beck and call. Stop being a spoiled brat and be thankful they changed things in the first place.
Honestly I'd like to see them "ground" these ungrateful little blam!ers it may be pushing the boundaries but if I was 12 logged on and it had a message along the lines of No destiny for a week.. Go to your room young person. I bet they'd think twice then.
i agree completely nice to see someone have some gratitude