Nah. i actually didnt expected to be chosen to accend. i wasnt the most machine of the candidates
*laughs* I'm surprised. With your prosthetics, you almost seemed more man than machine.
they where desinged for cvilians, but i had to adapt them to my needs
Hm. I see. So... No prosthetics now? Can you just summon and control machines?
yup whatever has been created. even some that are yet to happen. frusstratign that i coudlnt summon Half life 3 But i can summon other stuff for example. MArs Kratos asault motorcycle.. *A chopper sylee motorcycle with a forntal shield and MAchine guns on the sides JUmps out of the ground*
[spoiler]If you could summon Half Life 3, that would be the best power of all time.[/spoiler] Damn... That's pretty cool. Not gonna lie. It's literal Mechromancy.
*I summon the Bike back* Yeah, Ive even got a Sacred weapon. *a spear fall from lighting* YUP only i can weild it to its fullest. That and my Son. but hes on Athenas 7 with one of my sisters. *the spear opens and turns inot a Chainsaw axe* Wahtever kind of weapons i might need
Hmmm... You and I are not so unlike then. You command metal to do your bidding, as I command fire to do mine... Interesting.
Yup but i can abuse this power. Look *points a vending machien* I COMMAND YOU!!!!!!!!! *whispers (this aint necesary i jsut liek doing it)* *the vending mahcien grows Legs and starts doign the Hammer time*
Oh crap. *makes mental note to remove as much metal as possible from my Starbucks* How does it... Dance better than me?
Edited by Reborn Salazar: 4/14/2015 10:33:17 PMYouve clearly never seen a dancing granade.Its so cute talking aobut *summonsa dancing granade which does the river dance*
Um... I don't think that's safe. Especially inside my Starbucks... If that thing goes off, you're repairing.
as long as he doesnt dance *a pin is heard* Gangam style................
My god. *watches grenade dance cautiously*
*is gone*
Oh. I'm guessing you did that?
*i manifest thght a radio* no but granades dance wathever they want, and if htey dance gangam stle they pull the pin*