The approximate amount of time Crota is down on his knee/shield is down: 4.5 sec
Sword lasts 30 seconds starting from moment of pick up
R1 = slam = 15,300 damage/slam
R2 = slash = 7,200 damage/slash
(r2r2) R1 = uppercut = 12,600 damage/uppercut
L2+R2 = super = 18,000 damage/super
Combos per downed Crota (~4.5 sec):
*R2 R2 R1 R1 = 7.2 x2 + 12.6 x1 + 15.3 x1 = 42,300 damage/completion/down = slash slash uppercut slam
**R1 R1 R1 = 15.3 x3 = 45,900 combo damage/completion/down = slam slam slam
**R2 R1 R1 R1 = 7.2 x1 + 15.3 x3 = 53,100 damage/completion/down = slash slam slam slam
*R2 R2 R1 = 7.2 x2 + 12.6 x1 = 27,000 damage/completion
***(x2) = R2 R2 R1 R2 R2 R1 = 54,000 damage/down = slash slash uppercut slash slash uppercut
****R2 R2 R1 R1 R1 = 7.2 x2 + 12.6 x1 + 15.3 x2 = 57,600 damage/completion/down = slash slash uppercut slam slam
****R1 R1 R1 R1 = 15.3 x4 = 61,200 damage/completion/down = slam slam slam slam
*****R1 R1 [L2+R2] R1 = 15.3 x3 + 18 x1 = 63,900 damage/completion/down = slam slam super slam
* = Generally not recommended but good confidence builder for timing of bigger combos
** = Easily accomplished and most used; good for understanding basic mechanics - start here
*** = Very doable with great damage when confidence and timing are slightly above average; but does take you to the edge of Crotas down time - work up to here
**** = High damage combos that takes precise timing and gumption - strive for these
***** = Hardest to accomplish due to need for super to be up and ready (which is usually at the exact moment the sword times out) - challenge yourself to this
1. Above numbers are based on a level 32 swordbearer but potential lethality remains constant between lower levels.
Now that you have the numbers, time for the strategy as the swordbearer.
1. Center strategy for teammates
2. Have either sword breaker (shotgun) equipped and upgraded enough to unlock hive disruptor perk or above
3. 1 teammate shooting/distracting right boomers
4. Let your teammates know if you are aiming for 3 downs per sword or 2 downs per sword
Normal mode and any character:
1. Have team leave at the same time with the swordbearer running straight to the chalice and stand on this platform
2. Wait for swordjerk to come out of hiding and throw a grenade on him that "sticks" (fusion, flux, etc.)
3. He'll hunker down for the grenade and unload your Crota secondary on him (again staying on top of the platform). He'll go down very quickly.
3a. Teammates can still fire down a rocket or two and/or grenades to help take down swordjerk as well as clear the immediate area of thralljerks.
4. Grab sword and head right. Once on top of rocks count down for your teammates 3 2 1 fire. Once you see first rocket(s) hit go to Crota.
4a. If he's far away jump and use slash (R2) to quickly get over to him
5. Use any of the above combos.
5a. Do NOT do more than what is listed above but DO do less if you don't feel like you get there in time. (KEY)
5b. My personal goto combo is [slash slash uppercut slam slam] per down
6. Once your desired combo is completed turn around immediately and R2 slash your way out of there stat! (Back to right rocks)
6a. Do NOT have your team fire round 2 (or 3) of rockets until you are back in position and tell them to fire.
7. Rinse and repeat steps 4-6 for however many downs you are doing per sword.
8. Once completed, team goes back inside to crystal room while swordbearer can stay inside the right ogre room
8a. Just hang here and kill things or stay up atop a door frame and chill.
8b. If you do decide to kill things you can grab swordjerks attention and bring him towards you into the ogre room. Bring down his health exactly the same way as step 2 and 3 but be more cautious for purposes of not dying and not killing him before Crota is back center/team is set.
9. Once Crota is back center immediately finish off swordjerk and head to right rocks.
10. Wait for team and rinse and repeat steps 4-6 for either 2 or 3 downs.
There ya go!
This has worked consistently for me almost without fail (ie glitches). Please let me know if the above makes sense and/or if clarification is needed.
I'd also love to hear other strategies as well.
Cheers mates!!
1. Hunters can and should use invisibility perks
2. Hard mode is extremely similar but usually calls for 3 swords ; which means dealing with ogres, oversoul, and should probably have 2 people tackling swordjerk using Crota secondaries.
2a. Hard mode can be completed in 2 swords basically using the same strategy.
2b. If interested in my hard mode strategy comment below and I'll put mine up.
3. A level 31 swordbearer should still be able to take down Crota with the above combos in 2 swords providing each hit is dealt/timing is down and there are 3 downs per sword - but most likely will be 3 swords and having to face ogres.
4. In order to utilize the slam slam super slam combo one defender titan should follow the swordbearer (super ready) and pop it on right rocks or on the right side of Crotas platform so that the swordbearer can grab those orbs.
4a. If you are able to manage using the slam-super combo it is possible to take down Crota in 1 sword.
This is the breakdown I have been looking for!!! Thank you! (I needz the maths)
I will be practicing your method and will try to remember to come back and post my results once I finally down Crotajerk as a Sword Bearerjerk... eh Sword Bearer.
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