Not for me, can do everything in destiny in one day. Create a new character, level it high enough to complete shitefall and weekly, do both raids. DONE. That's essentially all there is to do. Or am I missing parts of the game because that's a tad shorter than skyrim I do believe. Plus I never mentioned anything about cheese.
Edited by BxL3G1T: 4/14/2015 10:13:21 PM[quote]Not for me, can do everything in destiny in one day. Create a new character, level it high enough to complete shitefall and weekly, do both raids. DONE. That's essentially all there is to do. Or am I missing parts of the game because that's a tad shorter than skyrim I do believe. Plus I never mentioned anything about cheese.[/quote] Now restate what you said and be realistic. Your cannot do anything you said, other than maybe get to level 20 in one day. Getting your first character to level 25+ takes a lot of time.
Haha seriously??? No jokes dude, soon as your 20 which takes about 6 hours it's all a peice of cake from then on
[quote]Haha seriously??? No jokes dude, soon as your 20 which takes about 6 hours it's all a peice of cake from then on[/quote] If you have a few characters and pieces of gear already, sure. But let's remember our first characters. I've created and power leveled a few characters, so I'm well aware. Now, no jokes to you, that took a lot of gameplay, regardless of who you are. I'm not saying it's the greatest system ever, but no need too exaggerate.
Trust me you don't even need to do the story to level up quick. Do missions and public events, much quicker. The amount of engrams you get, save them until your 20, decode them, there's your gear for entering strikes etc. get your mates to run the raid with you, there's your armour. Pretty simple
[quote]Trust me you don't even need to do the story to level up quick. Do missions and public events, much quicker. The amount of engrams you get, save them until your 20, decode them, there's your gear for entering strikes etc. get your mates to run the raid with you, there's your armour. Pretty simple[/quote] Of course with a crew you can go fast, but again that's assuming they're high level. I'm talking, one player, trying to get to 25+, I'll admit it doesn't take forever. But if your going in blind (no gameplay experience to know what to do) then it will take a lot longer. I think you're talking about going in already knowing what to do. But the big question is... There's a story mode?
Yeah going in blind of course it takes longer, you want to explore etc, now I do everything as quick as possible. My point is there's no longevity
[quote]Yeah going in blind of course it takes longer, you want to explore etc, now I do everything as quick as possible. My point is there's no longevity[/quote] Yeah just talking about different scenarios then. I do everything quickly now, but that wasn't my original point. There is longevity, just not as long as we were led to believe... (see my recent topic post for more info on that)