Capes and violence are something we both have in common. So sure.
I accept you c:
Thanks.My last hangout was crashed when the queen wanted to send me to the Nine.So I killed everyone
So -proceeds to take all the beer and lounges on the best chair-
How bloody was it cx
Oh god.........Like Bungie was forced to remove it all just to get it to be T rated.
Dang. XD
Yea.I was the reason these sickos didn't get to bang the Queen.
I'm expecting an uproar soon then?
Yep.You dont mind right?
Nah. I'm not male. I don't really see what others say about her.
Good good.Say you want a beer?
Not old enough for that stuff. Got water? cx
-sigh- *tosses Kool-Aid*
Nah.I just like to save kool aid
Hi skolas long time no se