Edited by napen: 4/15/2015 9:40:43 PMSays the warlock that would study for hours XD #nooffence
Hunters are the nerds. The masks, capes, and even blade dancer are all nerdy. We are playing a shooter, not which can mash the hardest.
So the weird guy floating around in a bathrobe is cool but the badass looking guy with the hood over his head and knifes and a bigass 44. magnum made of gold and fire is a nerd?
Hunters are the pvp geeks.
That makes since why I mostly see warlocks and titans in crucible and a lot of hunters on patrols and raids...and strikes. Hmm I think i smell bullshit.
We didn't make the game Bungie did, and it is the class we picked as our first time and we don't feel like grinding out other classes
Don't break character dam-mit
The term is nob heads old boy.
Same thing. This thread is really the epitome of hunters.
Last I checked, nerds and geeks are responsible for tech and medical advances. These forums? Yep. Us. Nerds. Geeks. You're welcome :) Enjoy your gadgets and gizmos.
You say that as if every single one of us is a detriment to Destiny.
You are.
Edited by BanditNation: 4/15/2015 8:03:13 PMBecause an entire CLASS can hold Destiny back. You realize how insane you sound, right? You're basically saying part of the premise of the game will stop the game from growing, when it's obviously false.