Edit: Wow... Over 1000 people have taken time to comment loooool
If you're NOT disappointed there's no new raid
then you clearly don't raid and you would blatantly be pissed off if they didn't release any new crucible maps.
Or you don't play with more than 3 friends !
Or you haven't paid for season pass expecting something that's not being delivered. They've implied what's with every release in many ways.
Edit: most common reply... "I raid, not pissed"
So you're telling me you have loads of friends you regularly play raids with (6 minimum), you've paid for the dlc already, you're not a crucible junkie and you're happy with 3 player PVE??? Yeah f'kin right!!!!
Anyone in my situation is pissed. Just because you are not doesn't mean others shouldn't speak out. I want 6 player PVE content as was implied by the developers.
Edit: there are a lot of bullshi#ers on here.
Here is a good example: a man (customer/community) wants to build a home so he goes and acquires a loan. Under these circumstances you receive the loan and pay an outfit to build your home (this is bungie). They give u an itinerary and expected completion date. Understandably things go wrong and get pushed back.(this is where communication comes into play) Bungie seriously lacks in this department. Upon completion of said project there is a review of the project. To make sure it is completed per itinerary. Than is released to the community and you have already paid received the keys. (The game and DLC). You come home to find out on your inspection that they did not put a bathroom in your home. (Raid). LOL thx for readying #destiny #bungie #imupset #stillagreatgame #wouldntbemadifitwasnt #keepitup