originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
Hey guys.
I'm developing an IOS SDK to go along with a special project (winky face). Anyway, I'm trying to get Advisory data for the player using the above method (MyAccount/Character{id}/Advisors). I can't seem to get it to recognize my authentication. Is it down? Let me preface this with saying I can fully authenticate with all of the other calls, just this one is giving me troubles.
Or, If this isn't the way to get Advisory data(Like which raids have been completed), what is?
Oops! Apparently there is an official response: There is a service - /Platform/Destiny/{membershipType}/MyAccount/Character/{characterId}/Advisors/, which would theoretically get you the information you seek. For the time being we require authentication in order to access this service, however, and we do not officially support making authenticated calls against the service.