Put your sarcasm away and... Do. The. Research.
I took the time, and that makes me, on this topic at least, far more knowledgeable than you.
Omg ur so wiiiiise. This issue is so important and worth "researching" toooo
Wow, you make an incorrect statement and I politely correct you, so you turn into a total douche? How do you learn anything? Oh wait, that's where stupid people must come from... You must be feeling salty after reading a bunch of these stories about you.
You're just giving the little child something more to stir up with by arguing
I worship your terrible power young necromancer!
Edited by ducksToDucks: 4/15/2015 1:04:27 AMI don't really try to learn things on online forums. And I was always a douche.
Good to know at least someone else knows that games increase mental awareness and such Have a internet cookie (::)