I would rather have a new content type than a new raid.
I have done 46 raids. I realised that's no much in comparison to some people here but I only have about 300 hours played. (Full time job, wife, kids etc) so I don't have a regular group to raid with. 99% of my raids have been lfg.
My enjoyment level in the raid is highly dependant on the team I play with. For 2-3 weeks I did vog with the same team every Tuesday with the same team and it was probably the most fun I have ever had with a game.
Then Crotas end came along. The raid is just far too short to build a good team dynamic. Also most people just want to cheese the bridge. I honestly doubt that most players have done it legit yet.
I would rather wait longer for a better raid experience with comet, and get some new style of content with HOW. Don't get me wrong I would have enjoyed a raid, but I am probably more excited for a 365 Fatebringer and a new game type than I am for a new raid.
I had a team with my dad my bro and friends of the family I needed to stop playing once because of studying and homework (high school sucks) one of the guys had his gf join in and after I taught them the entire raid they completed it faster with her when they knew what they were doing because I showed them how they think it's my fault when I was the best of the team I got permanently kicked out because I was busy the only bloody reason I got ps4 when I already had an xb1 and still do the only reason I bought a ps4 and destiny was they convinced me to now I have more than 300-400 hours logged and it's all fücking useless so mad with them all rn stuck doing fking raid teams with randoms on lfg so depressing :'(