First off, you sound like an idiot. Secondly, I raid all the time, probably more than you do. I raid with my clan, Northern Guardians, we generally have 5-9 people on every night. We generally run Crota easy 7-8 times, Crota hard 4-6 times and Aetheon hard 3-5 times, every week. We do this to make sure that everyone in the clan gets it done and gets the gear. I have three 32s and not any need to raid anymore, but I do anyhow. I also do not play much crucible, as I pretty much suck at it, if you doubt me just look at my stats. So now that you know that I DO raid, with PLENTY of friends, I will tell you this:
1) I am not upset that there will be no raid, I am instead, excited for new content.
2) You are an A-hole for trying to tell me who I am and what I do/do not like, or am pissed about.
That is all.