My dad is a lawyer and we are taking Bungie to court for their lies and unethical methods! I pay my share for their product and the things I was promised are not being delivered! -blam!- you Bungie you greedy liars. You're depriving us from our rights that you promised at release!!!
Can you believe people are serious when they post this type of stuff? Unbelievable. Almost as shocking as how many people don't read the tags. Rage must blind you from the tags. BUNGEEEE NERF IGNORANCE WAY OP
Don't have anything better to do kid? I don't like house of wolves neither, but what you say it's completely out of place.
Edited by checkscoreboard: 4/16/2015 1:29:36 AMDid not see satire
right! theres always one! sue bungie they stop releasing content for destiny and u win! how? your getting a raid just not in how! it will be here! but if u care about suing a video game company then so be it! ( first world problem) ill give u $15 just to go away! u think if they spend 500 mil on a game there gonna let some kid and his dad win a lawsuit! im shure they have read all the fineprint and im guesing u havnt! think bout it!
Another 10 thousand bite the dust
*whew*. Just caught that #satire.
Go suck a dick u piece a crap! U and ur dad can go screw ur self!
Someone once said. I disagree with what you are saying but I will fight till my last breath to defend your right of saying it. That person would now take his words back and say. I wish you would slip on a banana peel fall down a slope of cactusses and lose both testicles so as to make this world a better place . But hey Gl
If your dad is a lawyer he would know this is a terrible idea, we all agreed to the terms and conditions when we bought this game, in the terms in conditions I am sure they say something about reserving the right to change content
Edited by Salvatoretrip: 4/16/2015 1:09:56 AMDamn got my ass.
Guys read tags
Nothing they did was illegal. If you s really read the fine print, content can change before realize. Stop being an entitled little dumbass
Good luck with that champ.
Woot, class action suit ftw!! Payday bitches!!!
+1 for good troll
Lol Funny how many people missed the satire tag. Reading is hard...
Oxygen thief.
I find this...embarrassing.
Holy -Blam!- kid. Seriously! They never legitimatly said that they would release a raid with HoW
Community in a nutshell Community: We want to upgrade old weapons to the new cap Bungie: Okay Community: We want more social experiences Bungie: Okay Community: We want something like firefight (horde mode) Bungie: Okay Community: We want a DLC that has a comprehensible story Bungie: Okay Community: We want a raid that's better than Crota's End Bungie: Okay, but that's gonna take time Community: You need what, mother-blam-er? I'm gonna sue. Everybody look, I'm suing! I have no idea how lawsuits work, but I'll do it anyways! This is a repost. Good day.
Edited by shell09: 4/16/2015 12:59:35 AMProof of promise or GTFO! (Is what I would have said to people like that)
Take them to court for not wielding the keyboard warrior wank sock abuse hammer fast enough.
Satire or not(kinda old now anyway)...muting just because its just another attempt to cause strife on the forums...later.
Lol -blam!-boy.
I love how no one sees the satire tag