Anyone else experiencing a loss of Heavy Ammo post the latest update? I have noticed that when I have 7 shots for my rocket and I go to orbit and then select a new mission - when the next mission loads I have 5. Seems like the fix they put in a while back has been negated by something in this last update.
I am not switching weapons between missions or taking any other actions - yet somehow my heavy ammo count is dropping.
Anyone else having this issue?
This issue was still present after the previous update that "fixed" it. You'll still lose heavy ammo when returning to orbit if you're wearing tevelvant armor, just not upon death. So Bungie half-ass fixed one of the most annoying glitches in the game.
I think they just fixed loss on death not loss after orbitation aka oral pleasure
I noticed this today
Yeah I have this issue and posted it in help and a mentor basically told me that I was lying and it had been fixed.
Anyone ever stop loosing heavy ammo? I never did.
Yep. With armamentarium and Corrective Measure with field scout I max at 301 ammo, but have been losing 6 rounds when spawning.
yup bump
I popped a heavy ammo synth on my death screen during the Nightfall(when I died, but my team mate was still alive.) and it didn't count, I never got the ammo, but it took a synth out of inventory. That's a worse bug...
They never fixed the loss on going to orbit. Just on death and respawn.
Yes, I noticed this today.
Having same happen
This has always been a thing.
Bumping so it doesn't get lost in the sea of repetitive whining posts. :)