I have been playing this game since Day 1 like many others and have come across people who have vault space issues, even with the new patch. Here's a list of recurring themes in these complaining people's vaults that I see:
[b]Keeping more than 1 copy of an exotic or raid weapon.[/b]
- The Vault app makes swapping an exotic or raid weapon fast and efficient - there's no need to clog your space up with duplicates. Store your exotics in the vault like a library of exotics that your guardians "check out" when playing them and then "return" them when finished. Simple as that. As for raid weapons, I have seen many people try different stuff to get extra space - what I do is place all Crota weapons on 1 character, all VoG weapons on another, and all IB weapons on the last character. The result is that each character has multiple elemental weapons and just needs that "choice exotic" tool(s) to get the job done from the vault.
[b]Keeping more than 1 copy of raid gear.[/b]
- A full set of raid gear for each class is all you need. Having different gauntlets and boots is a cluttering mess. Pick the one that best compliments your stats, and shard the rest. For nostalgia purposes, I left the 2 1/2 sets of VoG armors in the vault to upgrade later - many others have done the same - you should as well. Yes, I accidentally dismantled some Titan VoG gear :(
[b]Not storing exotic armors on that character's respective class for quick swapping.[/b]
- Kind of obvious, but this one comes up every now and then. Your characters don't need 2 Masks of the Third Man nor does it help them to have it in a vault instead of being on their person to use. Free up that space in the vault and hold onto it. There's only 1-4 exotic armors from each armor type for each class. That leaves you with at least 4-5 spaces for engrams minimum [i]per armor slot[/i] during missions. Space for 20+ armor engrams - that's plenty!
[b]Holding onto gear below Legendary quality. (Exception: Stranger's Rifle)[/b]
- Why? Legendary+ gear is superior and too many obsolete blues and greens are the biggest source of clutter. This one may feel a bit personal, but I make a good point: Space is always a premium and if you want to have the space for new stuff, you should be updating your wardrobe and weapon cache. I know that the Crucible makes that 1 shotgun "great", but there are legendary shotguns out there (Morgue, Comedian, Judgement, Handshake, etc....) that are just vastly superior with abilities and max firepower for PvE content as well. The Stranger's Rifle is an odd exception because it's only given once per character and if you trash it, you have to redo a character to get it again. Also, it's stats are beautiful for Crucible (ATK doesn't matter) after helping a low level character get to 20.
[b]Not condensing materials and general resources into 1 shared pot.[/b]
- I have a set of 200 Spinmetal, Helium, Bloom, and Iron for each character, with their specific class material since only they can use it. Everything else is shared, hell you can make those other 4 materials shared if you want. So why not put it in the vault to be shared? You turn in bounties at the tower anyway to give XP, and there's the vault for the mats. Just put them back to save room. Simple.
I know there are people who will think negatively of this post - I don't care. Haters always hate. I hope that someone gets some insight into managing their vault. To those people, I hope this was helpful. I have a pic of my vault structure so you can see what I mean. Obviously, this post has my opinion in it, take it with a grain of salt if it doesn't appeal to you. I'm just trying to lower the amount of stressed out vault complainers on the forums who may just need some help organizing stuff. Sorry for the long post, but it's kind of hard to condense this kind of stuff.
I have every exotic and all but one raid gun, I keep one icebreaker, gjallahorn, and black hammer on each character. The rest is in the vault. Still have 3 spots left, hopefully a praetorean foil will take one of those spots.