So I was messing around and figured I would go to the Terminus to do some parkour, to my surprise upon arrival everything had changed considerably. I was playing at a friends house, so I don't have any video of it at the moment, but if you go to the terminus you will see what I mean. I would have to assume it was changed in update 1.1.2.
For anyone unfamiliar with the Terminus, This This is how it used to look.
- Update: New Terminus >
- Update: My first post and its #1 on the trending page! Thanks everyone for the support!
- Update: Just checked the other two DLC zones on earth and the moon. Kings Watch (Earth) was patched (kind of) and it's now harder to get in, and the Traitors Ketch (Moon) is no longer accessible. However, the Dusk Warren's (Moon) still are. Well played Bungie...
- Update: Videos relating to areas mentioned above:
>> Kings Watch (After 1.1.2)
>> Dusk Warrens (Video Is Pre 1.1.2) (Everything is still the same aside from the Ketch Lift which no longer works.)
Looks completely different. By the way, I was going through comments and replies, and noticed how nice you're being. It's not often you see that on these forums, so kudos to you!
Looks epic! I can't wait for the actual mission
Bump me for l8ter :)
Bump For l8er thenks
Bump me! to find later for parkour!
Invite others once you get up there. They will spawn on the other side. Ghosts are gone though.
I really like the new open-ness. You can see the skybox and they added lightning effects to make a sort of ominous feel!
Nice. Looks like they took away the bridge to prevent ppl from grabbing the dead ghosts up on the pillars.
Glad I got to explore the Ketch before It got closed off. It's a really cool space.
Anyone able to get into Kings Watch? Can't seem to get in now..
I didn't know you could still get in. I always try but there's a barrier. Maybe it's because I'm a Hunter and I can't jump high enough.
Bump. Really intriguing space. It's been changed a lot since back then.
Saw the new area too when i was showing one of my friends the hidden ghosts over their. I was like "umm i think we took the wrong elevator lol"
Reply for later
Well Yeah! Rick and his group burned that place to the ground and killed most of the cannibals.
Am I just doing this glitch wrong or something cause every time I've tried it I hit an invisible wall trying to get up high enough to jump in to the lift. Has anyone else had this problem or am I just really bad at this?
Yep. Looks more like a true destiny area
Holy crap, I made it onto the second platform and I'm gonna get to the third one when I get my super back.
It did change though. The ketch. I've actually seen the ship you get teleported into from the outside. The window bay were you get teleported into inside the ship, I can see briefly from the outside and red lights are flashing in there....
So you can get to the Dusk Warren but not the Ketch? Has the teleporter been disabled?
That's beautiful
How you get in Dusk Warren
It looks a lot cooler now.
Bump for later please