*I appear at the entrance* I have returned.............and I need a corpse-kabob....and a ear....
Hey! Welcome back!
....ello? I had a friend named ello........
AKA a greeting. Good to see you.
Oh....... hello then Itè
.....can i eat your ear?
You can have my arm.
....i need a ear...
... Fine. *rips off ear and hands it to you* Have a pill bottle?
Moment... *eats ear* Alright now any medicine you need is in the starbucks..
*gives* Now shut up........
*shoves pill bottle into wound, it is healed* Thanks.
Sithis! ....sinister as usual!
Hello! How has the missions been?
? My scouting mission? Which turned out to be an assassination on the arbiter? I'm surprised you didn't know. Because I sent him straight to the void.
Haha yeah...... I dont pay much attention do I?[quote] [/quote]
Apparently not! Any who. Heard you had a craving for ears these days.
Ive had it ever since i came back from the dead, i just eat ears...
That's odd. How's astrid? That traitorous bitch.
.....dead...... Also you forget I am not [i][b][u]the sithis[/u][/b][/i] i am just his servant that he granted with his givin name and some of his powers. Also i can do pretty much anything sithis can do know.
Ah yes. I always forget. Well....I still have two blades of woe.