So... I think we should start making corpse-kebabs a thing again... Opinions?
Well... It seems that a lot of people want to see it's return! So why not! We are now going back to eating our defeated enemies!
I still give them out when I make a sale. If I ever open my store again...
[i]I can provide the corpses...[/i]
Bring it back man!
Ninjas corpse kebabs now that's good cookin
Yes, the corpse-kebabs are addicting, and should be made again.
Eh I'm still into sushi myself
*chops up sushi* Here you go! *throws it to your mouth.*
Ive already started........also I eat ears....
I'm good...
If you want to. I dont eat people, not now at leasst
I'm still new... What is that?!
Ah... Back when this thread was just a shitpost about me killing everyone, I made a habit of barbecuing their corpses as a bit of a gag... I'm not sure how many people still remember it to be honest. Once we hit roughly 7000 posts, I stopped..
Wow! That's about the time I rolled in!
A shish-ka-bob made of dead people. It's a delicacy around here.
Yes it is. Oh I still remember the good old days.