It's so dumb to be pissed about raids.
I glad there's arena instead of raid. I'm tired of busting my ass grinding the same raid for loot that pisses me off cause It won't drop. Arena will be fun, new and different. I'd rather it instead of another raid that will eventually piss me off and get boring. I only play the raids for loot.
I get in, get loot, and I'm done with that raid for good. Which is why I don't do Hard CE anymore. Raids are not fun anymore IMO and my friends seem to agree (except the boss fights when crota and atheon aren't being laggy SOBs). Horde mode However seems more like something you would WANT to replay.
Then there are these -blam!-tards in #Destiny complaining about it. Obviously it isn't ready if it isn't coming out, would you rather they pushed an unfinished buggy piece of shit excuse for a raid out the door? It could end up cheesed more than Crotas end or God forbid laggier than VoG.
I don't give a shit how long it takes. I don't even care if it never comes out at all. Arena seems much better.
I'm tired of raids and need something different. Arena is it.
And another thing, arena will be so much easier, so little of the Destiny fan base actually raid, or has time to raid. Having arena wont force people to raid with randoms and assholes. Those who don't have clans can just jump into arena with two friends instead of waiting for ever in orbit getting a group from #Recruitment together.
All this Crying about a raid is so dumb, and if you don't like it just leave already. Crying won't make it come out faster, and I'm pretty sure other people are getting tired of hearing it.
Anyone else agree at least a little?
Edit: I knew I should have checked the polls for spelling errors...
Hope this arena mode is like gears horde...