How about we just make a mode in the crucible called "classic"? It would disable all supers and would also give pre-loadouts, weapon boxes would spawn around the map and each yield a certain weapon (first mission shows it possible) your armour perks are disabled as well as level (just pure cosmetic). If this were to be implemented I can almost guarantee that it would be constantly inhabited.
Recap and clarification:
Forced starting gun (kvolstev maybe?)
Only pick up weapons around the map (found in chests, they disappear from your inventory when you die, also respawn after a set amount of time)
Weapons all one tier (I'd say white, the starting vanguard stuff)
No supers
No double jumps
It is it's own game type
Please feel free to make suggestions! Thanks for reading
I'm not going to be as mean as the people were before me but I'm just going to say this. It's not a good idea. What Bungie has implemented is, has, and will continue to work. I understand you are at a disadvantage because you are low-level. But it will come in time I promise.