She's mine! If you don't step aside... *Guardian Down*
Monte Carlo. *drops mic*
Edited by FlAgtWash: 4/16/2015 11:28:42 AMSo no no dibs for ya
14 year old wants to -blam!- royalty anally?? Ummmkay
I'm special
Sorry already -blam!-ed her ass she's mine
Omg such virginity xD
I don't have mine anymore...
You told me you were 14...
I am 14 but stuff happens at my age....
No, you have never had sex before. I mean, that's not even legal for you. Where I live the age of consent is 16, most other places it's older.
You know I'm joking right?
I thought you were just trying to look cool
Nah just playing around
Edited by SmashHerHalls: 4/16/2015 10:43:01 PMYou scum.
What I'm just joking around jeez
Edited by SmashHerHalls: 4/16/2015 11:14:39 AMSorry man I got there first... [spoiler]Insert Lenny face here [/spoiler]
Fine armamentarium