Stop turning Destiny into Halo. If I wanted horde mode I would have bought X-Box One and the MCC or ODST for my 360, but I want to play Destiny.
I might not even play as much because you, yes Bungie you, broke a HUUUUGE promise by saying 'Hey, no raid and a shitty endless horde mode will make it better'.
Sorry but thats wrong. You lied to a community that cares, if you guys truly take our advice to heart then give us our damn raid we were promised.
-Bootzilla45 and The Top Of The Line
Edited by TheShadow: 4/17/2015 6:23:11 PMTry call of duty more like. Just throwing things out there just to say they did something. Activision! Let bungie do their job, you might learn something other then your stupid pumped out C.O.D Bullshit. Hm, 0nly took ten years for them to try something new like the jetpack. Get whith the times morons....
No •_•
Dude... This game is nothing compared to Halo (Bungie's Halo's) Please don't burn my eyes with such words.
Never said it was horde mode lol
When did bungie say, [quote]The arena is a horde mode.[/quote] ...did I miss something or are you just stupid!
Halo is way better than Destiny, I hate how you can't pick up the enemy's weapons and use them against them!
I like it! Never got to play halo so I think this is great
They haven't actually said it going to be like halo's Firefight. Could be something completely different !!!!!! People are just speculating that it is a horde mode. Also you can't get ODST on xbox one.