What is the best primary PvE weapon? Or best perk for weapons?
Depends on your play style. Pretty much anything but an auto rifle is good at high end activities. The raid weapons offer elemental damage on primaries, which make them extremely useful in Nightfalls or anything with elemental burns. Good scout rifles : Saterreine Rapier Another NITC Fang of Ir Yut Good pulse Rifles: Three Little Words Oversoul Edict Good handcannons: Anything but the Devil You Don't. They are all good. My favorite is the Red Hand IX from New Monarchy Two perks I like to have on just about any of my weapons is Field Scout (more ammo in magazine) and a range perk. Hope this helps
Fatebringer..there is not 1 piece of PvE content (outside of non arc burns) where this isn't a top tier weapon including HM Crota...and it will be leaps and bounds the best after HoW upgrade to 365
Maybe bad juju. String of curses is a badass perk