Hello guardians,
So i really love doing raids the right way, with no cheese. I find that it makes the experience way more enjoyable. So i want to start this new recruitment thread so all of us raid lovers can find other raid lovers to play with. As far as i know, there is no "cheese free" recruitment threads (feel free to direct me to a thread if i am wrong).
If you are like me and want to find a group to do the raid the way it was intended, post your info below. Please inlcude your gamertag, your class type, and your level. Thanks!
I plan on making a "cheese free" VOG thread too! Also, if you are looking for someone to raid with I am willing to help out guardians! Invite me and if I'm not busy i will be happy to help.
Gamertag: JoshDaHoss
Level 32 warlock
Level 32 hunter
Level 32 titan
I am super interested in this. Not only do I want to do these with no cheese....I know how and have completed them multiple times this way. I have another friend and we always go 100% cheese free when we can. Gamer tag is The Dude STG I have all three classes at 32. All raid guns and all exotics. Plz add me